
Understanding Red Rot of Sugarcane: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Control

Understanding Red Rot of Sugarcane: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Control

Red rot of sugarcane

Red rot of sugarcane, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum falcatum, is a destructive disease affecting sugarcane crops worldwide. This detailed article delves into the causes, symptoms, prevention strategies, and control measures for red rot disease:

1. Causes of Red Rot Disease:

  • Fungal Pathogen: Red rot is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum falcatum, specifically targeting sugarcane plants. The fungus enters the plant through wounds, such as those caused by insects, machinery, or cultural practices.
  • Disease Spread: Colletotrichum falcatum spreads through infected planting material, soil, and water. The fungus thrives in warm, humid conditions, making sugarcane fields vulnerable to infection, especially during the growing season.

2. Symptoms of Red Rot Disease:

  • Red Lesions: Infected sugarcane stalks develop characteristic red or brown elongated lesions, starting from the nodes and extending along the internodes. These lesions are a key diagnostic feature of red rot.
  • Internal Decay: The fungus causes internal decay of affected stalks, leading to a soft, spongy texture and reduced structural integrity. This internal decay contributes to lodging, where affected stalks bend or break easily.
  • Leaf Symptoms: Advanced stages of red rot may manifest in leaves with yellowing, wilting, or premature drying. These leaf symptoms indicate significant damage to the vascular system, affecting water and nutrient transport.

3. Prevention Strategies for Red Rot Disease:

  • Use Disease-Free Planting Material: Start with certified disease-free sugarcane seedlings or setts to prevent introducing the pathogen into the field. Inspect planting material thoroughly for signs of disease before planting.
  • Crop Rotation: Rotate sugarcane with non-host crops to break the disease cycle. This practice reduces the buildup of Colletotrichum falcatum in the soil, lowering the risk of infection in subsequent sugarcane crops.
  • Sanitation Practices: Remove and destroy infected plant debris, including crop residues and stubble, to minimize overwintering of the fungus. Proper sanitation reduces the reservoir of fungal spores, decreasing disease pressure in the field.
  • Field Drainage: Ensure adequate field drainage to prevent waterlogging, as excess moisture creates favorable conditions for fungal growth. Well-drained soils promote healthier root systems and reduce susceptibility to red rot.

4. Control Measures for Red Rot Disease:

  • Chemical Treatments: Apply fungicides containing active ingredients such as triazoles, strobilurins, or systemic fungicides to manage red rot disease. Follow recommended application rates, timings, and rotation schedules to optimize effectiveness and reduce resistance development.
  • Biological Controls: Explore biofungicides or biological agents that target Colletotrichum falcatum specifically. Biocontrol methods can complement chemical treatments, providing sustainable disease management options.
  • Cultural Practices: Implement cultural practices that promote plant health and reduce stress, such as proper irrigation management, balanced fertilization, and timely harvesting. Healthy plants are more resilient to disease pressure and can better withstand red rot infections.


Red rot disease is a significant threat to sugarcane production, impacting yield and quality. By understanding the causes, recognizing symptoms early, implementing preventive measures, and applying effective control strategies, sugarcane growers can mitigate the impact of red rot and maintain sustainable crop productivity. Regular monitoring, integrated pest management practices, and collaboration with agricultural experts are essential for successful red rot disease management.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):

  1. What is red rot of sugarcane?
    • Red rot of sugarcane is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum falcatum, leading to characteristic red lesions on sugarcane stalks and significant economic losses in sugarcane production.
  2. What causes red rot disease in sugarcane?
    • Red rot disease is caused by the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum falcatum, which enters sugarcane plants through wounds and thrives in warm, humid conditions, spreading through infected planting material and soil.
  3. What are the symptoms of red rot disease in sugarcane?
    • Symptoms include red or brown elongated lesions on sugarcane stalks, internal decay causing soft, spongy stalks, leaf yellowing, wilting, premature drying, and increased susceptibility to lodging.
  4. Which sugarcane varieties are susceptible to red rot disease?
    • Various sugarcane varieties can be susceptible to red rot disease, especially those grown in regions with conducive environmental conditions for Colletotrichum falcatum, such as warm and humid climates.
  5. How does red rot disease spread in sugarcane fields?
    • Red rot spreads through infected planting material, soil, and water, particularly during warm and humid weather. The fungus can also spread through machinery or cultural practices that create wounds on sugarcane plants.
  6. Can red rot disease be prevented in sugarcane cultivation?
    • Prevention strategies include using disease-free planting material, implementing crop rotation with non-host crops, practicing good sanitation to remove infected debris, improving field drainage, and using fungicides strategically.
  7. What are the economic impacts of red rot disease on sugarcane production?
    • Red rot disease can lead to significant yield losses, reduced sugar content, increased lodging, and lower overall quality of sugarcane crops, resulting in economic losses for sugarcane growers and industries.
  8. Are there effective treatments for red rot disease in sugarcane?
    • Control measures include using fungicides, biological agents, and cultural practices to manage red rot disease. However, integrated approaches and early intervention are crucial for successful disease management.
  9. How can growers identify and diagnose red rot disease in sugarcane?
    • Growers can identify red rot disease by observing characteristic red lesions on sugarcane stalks, internal decay, leaf symptoms, and increased susceptibility to lodging. Laboratory tests can confirm the presence of Colletotrichum falcatum.
  10. Where can growers find more information and assistance regarding red rot disease management in sugarcane?
    • Growers can consult with agricultural extension services, sugarcane researchers, and plant health experts for accurate diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and ongoing support in managing red rot disease effectively.


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