
Plant Physiology-II

Plant Physiology-II

Course Overview:

Welcome to BOT-605, where we embark on an in-depth exploration of Plant Physiology-II. Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Plant Physiology-I, this course delves into the intricate mechanisms that govern the life processes of plants. From the molecular intricacies of photosynthesis to the fascinating world of plant hormones, we'll unravel the mysteries that define the physiological functions of plants.

#PlantPhysiology #Photosynthesis #Bioenergetics #PlantMetabolism #WaterRelations #NutrientUptake #GrowthAndDevelopment #PlantHormones #StressPhysiology


Course Objectives:

  • Develop a profound understanding of the intricate physiological processes that sustain plant life.
  • Analyze the molecular and biochemical foundations of photosynthesis and plant metabolism.
  • Explore the factors influencing plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stimuli.
  • Investigate the roles and mechanisms of plant hormones in orchestrating physiological responses.

Notes with Course Outline:


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